Monday, May 3, 2010

Achieving What You Want

Wants and Needs
I suppose human is the only creature whose wants are different from needs. Our mind always wants something.Well, the question is whether we get what we want or not! And does it make any difference if we change the word 'want' in previous sentence by 'need'. 

In this regard, by default answer to the question in both forms is NO if we expect things to come down themselves. The God is not raining manna for us in the nights anymore. All those success guru just need to lay emphasis on this point too.

Of course, you will achieve whatever you want, whether money, name, fame, health, wellness in relationship or any other thing. Just desire and follow the winning ways explained in the later blog posts. Thousands of men who got any sort of success used these principles and climbed to the top. And you can too.

The Real Desire
Socrates once said that the desire must be like the requirement of air for a man drowning in water. The life must look impossible without obtaining that object of desire. If you have that sort of deep desire, you must gather such deep faith too. Rest comes automatically.

After you have a desire strong enough to withstand the toughest storms and hot enough to burn any hurdle that comes across, make it your goal. Of course, goal is not a destination - it is a checkpoint in the journey. 

Write* it down on your journal. Repeat it in mind again and again, and it'll become a part of your individuality.

Support of the Forces
Believe it or not, if you desire something from deep within, who whole creation conspires to bring that to you. Make goals; make them huge. What you'll get robbing a beggar when you can loot the palace? Believe that whatever you will desire will come true. There was a day Bill Gates and Steve Jobs were living in small houses with leaking pockets, running offices in old rusty garages. They believed, and they achieved. You'd not be reading this if Gates hadn't dreamt of making something like Windows which could be used by anyone without cramming DOS or UNIX commands. The lamp in your room and the car outside in the road are here because someone once saw a dream.

Think and Achieve
Jesus promised - Whatever you conceive and believe, you will achieve. Period. 
Whatsoever you shall ask, you shall receive. No comments. Just believe, and achieve.

* Proper techniques for writing goals are discussed in another blog post. Following them will make the process more powerful.

Copyright (c) 2010 by Aditya Joshi. All rights reserved.

All the posts present in this blog are intellectual property of the author. No part may be reproduced, copied or distributed in any form, whether intact or modified without prior permission of the author. The techniques provided in the blog are solely discovered/invented by the author and may not be reproduced without permission. 

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Begin the Journey to Success

The Journey
You left home many years back, and now in the world where everyone is a stranger and you have to stand for yourself. You crossed the seas, passed the mountains, walked over the fields and went through the cities, and now stand where you are. You may or may not know the destination. If you do, this blog will guide you there. And if you don't, no problem again; you'll soon know yours.

Passing the Checkpoints, Achieving the Goals
History is evident - all who achieved huge heights had one thing in common - the blazing desire in their heart. To them, there were only two options - either to get what their deepest desires demanded, or burn themselves in high flames of their dreams.

Whether you dream of living in glamorous riches, or want to live a simple, peaceful and happy life; you need to desire. OS Martin explained this fact taking a simple scientific example. Millions of us are like little iron pieces. Leave them in fluid, hang them in air, but they don't yield anything. But when they are influenced by a very strong magnetic field, they keep themselves aligned to north. If you are leading a purposeless life, get ready for that magnetic force which will make you get what you'll dream of.

In later sections of this blog I'll show some real people whose lives changed in front of my eyes just by deciding their destinations.

What actually is a Goal?
I compare goal to be checkpoints in the journey. Get on board and steer your ship. No one will help you. Family and friends will give suggestions but they can't directly help. Decide the next towns you will pass, and where the journey is supposed to end. Of course you can resume again after reaching your final destination.

Actually there is no such final destination where you have to end up really. The life is a journey which never ends. You just drive, steer and sail through ports and towns, earning fortunes and fame, and go on to newer discover worlds.

Journey of Life
In this journey, you've to follow the path to your goals facing hundreds of hurdles and storms in the way. Have faith in your innerself and go on. The blessings of ancient mariners who passed to the world of stars will guide you. Just have a dream to motivate yourself up. Believe it'll come true and go on.

In further blog posts I'll show some techniques to actually make your mind powerful enough to achieve your dreams...

Copyright (c) 2010 by Aditya Joshi. All rights reserved.

All the posts present in this blog are intellectual property of the author. No part may be reproduced, copied or distributed in any form, whether intact or modified without prior permission of the author. The techniques provided in the blog are solely discovered/invented by the author and may not be reproduced without permission. 

Friday, April 30, 2010

Introduction to the Magical Mind

The Mind
Times are gone when we had to explain to people how powerful their minds can be; what they can do; what subconscious efforts are. But still we need to introduce the Magical Mind to some unknowns and skeptics. Ever thought how you think? In fact, how much you think? How thinking affects your life? I'll tell all this here. I understand your mind is still harnessing a lot of thoughts right now in the form of questions. I will answer them.

The Powers
Ever wondered why we prayed more during exam days in school? And yeah, it helped. And if you forgot to pray, you'll blow it. Do you recognize there are some supernatural powers which support you or are against you? And above everything, there is the power of your mind. Whether you believe it or not, you'll realize that your mind is the factory where your life is designed... And, yes, you can alter your design as per your wish!

Now there is a class of metaphysists who tell you that you can work wonders through the powers of your subconscious mind. But how to do so? Yes there are hundreds of techniques available in books and websites - some for free or some sold for 20-30 USD. But they don't work. Again what works here is your own mind. You can get the powers - but you have to be your own teacher.

What if someone tells you the whole life you've lived till now is a mere dream? And what if this is true? You can get anything in a dream; why not here? This makes you call the world itself a virtual reality. Whether you support this thinking or not, the powers of your mind which are active in dream are in real world too. Never experienced? Look behind! There were times when you wished something almost impossible, and it came to you! There are times when your mind makes you take a different street on your way to office - and some accident occurs in your usual route. This could be you, but your mind saved it.

These are not the powers I'm talking about. Nor I'll assist you grow your thinking, reasoning or abilities.

Me and Magical Mind
I had been studying and experimenting all this a lot since I was 14 years old. Being a teenager, hypnotism invited me into this field. Soon I was studying religious scriptures and metaphysics books. I did many meditation techniques, became member with some of major spiritual communities, learnt techniques, met gurus, and then, broke the laws to find something on my own. I wrote diaries and posted messages on internet forums to help people in need.

This Blog
In this blog I'll show you the way how you can yourself harness the power of mind inside you - and use it for your benefit at every corner of life you'd go through. No need of fearing beardy gurus or tiring yoga. No money to be paid. All you need is desire, dedication, discipline, patience, and the most important, faith. Just keep following...

Copyright (c) 2010 by Aditya Joshi. All rights reserved.
All the posts present in this blog are intellectual property of the author. No part may be reproduced, copied or distributed in any form, whether intact or modified. The techniques provided in the blog are solely discovered/invented by the author, if any other name is unstated. If any reference is to be made, name of the author and URL of the blog must be provided. 

Most of the techniques or texts in the blog posts are work of the author. If, due to vastness of the field, the work is already published in similar form and violated any intellectual property laws, the author must be contacted.  

For more information, please contact the author.